Blog Better Boston Conference

Have you signed up yet for the Blog Better Boston Conference? The March 24, 2012 event will be a great opportunity to take your blog to the next level and to network with other bloggers from all over the New England area.

The Blog Better Boston Conference is a one-day event created for bloggers, by bloggers. Conferences attendees can expect specialized workshops geared specifically towards their blogging needs and panel discussions where they can learn from other bloggers, as well as brands. Attendees will also have the opportunity to interact and network with other bloggers and brands between sessions and at a post-conference event.

Amy of Stylish Year and Alana of Good Girl Gone Blog are hosting the event, which will be housed in Google's offices - how sweet is that?! And the Boston Bloggers team (Katy of ModlyChic and {AV} of Long Distance Loving) will be throwing the after party.

Check-in for conference begins at 9am. Sessions will run from 10am - 5pm. The after party will take place within walking distance of the conference and will run from 5pm-7pm.

Get more information at Purchase tickets through Eventbrite. Early bird pricing is available through February 15th.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, there. I see that the tickets are sold out... :( Is there anyway I can get a ticket?? Please help!

